
Saturday, December 7, 2019

Wake up! we are already living in the future... waiting for our minds to catch up.

I may be living in an utopia where crime only exists in the news. Ironical, since the news describes the crime that happens around me, a few feet, a few hundred feet away from me. Yet, I wake up everyday, not thinking about the harm that may befall me due to crime, but more likely about annoying machinations of a colleague. What has this got to do, if anything, with the video I embedded above?

One word:'protect ourselves....'

It is interesting because for a lucky few who happen to live in circumstances where we don't have to think about safety, we are living in a world that is only limited by the constant tug-of-war between the technology that hasn't caught up to its potential and the mind that hasn't recognized the technology that has. It also provides an insight into the moral and political perspectives of the narrator in that self-preservation is the upper most concern of all humanity. But a mind dwelling in an Utopian landscape of ubiquitous and intelligent technology, self-preservation has already been surrendered: it is irrelevant in a post-theistic world.

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